Thursday, June 3, 2010

Grilled Tilapia from Cowboy Grill, June 3

For dinner today I had grilled tilapia from Cowboy Grill in Xavierville Avenue. I took it home to eat with my black rice. I also steamed squash and put sesame seeds and olive oil butter with it. For dip, I had a mix of calamansi juice, raw garlic, Bragg sea kelp and spices (I put way too much, though) and sea salt. What a great meal! My only complaint was the marinade they put in the fish, which made it a little too sweet. Anyway it was very fresh, so every bite was a delight.

I had it with my friend Joel, who came over and brought the fish. I always enjoy sharing a meal with someone who loves the food as much as I do!

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